Everybody wants a better life. But not everyone gets it! Why? If you are questioning my ability to answer such an important question in a single article, you are right. Thousands of books have been published trying to answer this question. And hundreds are being published as I am writing this. Amidst the ocean of ideas, I have identified 22 poisons that prevent most people from reaching their full potential.

Read this article and try to identify which one is standing between you and your ideal life. I hope by bringing these to your awareness, you will be empowered to take action to reach your goal.

  1. Procrastination
  2. Instant Gratification
  3. Fear of Failure
  4. Fear of Success
  5. Lack of Self-Discipline
  6. Limiting Beliefs
  7. Unwilling to ask for Help
  8. Excessive Focus on the Past
  9. Overconfidence
  10. Lack of Self Confidence
  11. Greed
  12. Making Excuses/ Rationalization
  13. Conformity
  14. Overgeneralization
  15. Black-and-White Thinking
  16. Lack of Persistence
  17. Envy
  18. Complacency
  19. Lack of Self-Awareness
  20. Bitterness
  21. Feeling of Grandiosity
  22. Overindulgence


Which one resonated with you? What will you do to cope with it? And if you have already overcome one of these barriers, what have you done? Please let us know in the comment.

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